37 years as PGA Club Professional
In 1986, Göran Knutsson took over as Head Professional at Östersund-FrösöGolf Club, and since 1988 he has been a member of Golfstore. In the 37 years that have passed, golf has changed quite a bit.
“Golfers today are much more aware and knowledgeable, not least when it comes to technological aids. As a pro, it’s important to stay updated and here, for example, Golfstore’s collaboration with TrackMan can play a major role in the future,” says Göran.
The fact that the technological development in golf is progressing by leaps and bounds has hardly escaped anyone. It contributes to better golf, but of course also puts completely different demands on us as pros.
“Several of the players I meet at the club use apps to keep track of the factors that we measure in the studio, such as the swing speed. In this regard, my studio and TrackMan 4 are very important tools in my work as a pro. Taking this into account, the decision we made as Golfstore pros to really invest in and focus on Custom Fitting was very wise. That’s what we’re supposed to be best at. I’ve also noticed that everything flows together more today; a lesson may lead to a Custom Fitting and a Custom Fitting can become a lesson instead – or maybe enrollment in a course. That’s good progress,” according to Göran.
Summer Golf Around the Clock
Östersund-Frösö Golf Club has a rich history going all the way back to the 1930s. Despite the location in the far north of Sweden, the season is relatively long.
“Although we are located this far north, a lot of golf is being played here. We have a very intense season. We usually open with summer greens in May/June and play until October, which is actually a good golf month here. And thanks to the midnight sun during the summer, you can play around the clock. We usually have a packed parking lot at 11 pm. Nowadays, the store is only fully closed in January, other months we are open some days – not least for Custom Fitting. We welcome customers for that all year round. The indoor golf course has of course opened many doors for us here in the north. Service and accessibility are very important to us. We want to be here for our golfers,” says Göran.
PGA’s Förtjänsttecken i silver (silver badge of merit)
In March, Göran Knutsson was awarded the PGA’s Förtjänsttecken i silver (silver badge of merit) earlier an honor he is of course proud of.
“I feel very honored and happy. PGA contacted me shortly before the annual Teaching & Coaching Summit in Halmstad to tell me that I would receive the award. A bit overwhelming, but of course a nice surprise. When I read about who had previously received the award, I was even more honored to be a part of this group. I believe that some of the contributing factors to the award are my methods, that I’m a meticulous and inspiring coach, that I’m constantly developing my skills — but also that throughout my career, I’ve kept PGA and the pros up to date on my experiences. Of course, the assignments I have and have had with Golfstore and the board also contribute, as well as my role on the Titleist Advisory Board. The fact that I’ve always stayed informed and kept up with what’s happening in the industry has been extremely important, but at the same time very natural and stimulating for me,” Göran concludes.